Accounting & Tax
in Red Deer &
Central Alberta
At Swainson Alexander LLP we offer a wide range of corporate accounting services built on the principle that every business has its own set of unique characteristics and circumstances and challenges. This principle drives us to get to know you and your business so that we can provide advice and solutions suited to your exact needs. We have over 50 years of financial statement experience serving business owners in and around Red Deer.
Reports on Financial Statements
Compilation or Notice to Reader engagement - Using Canadian compilation standards, we compile information provided by the management into a standard financial statement format.
Generally this level of financial statement is sufficient for the small owner-managed business needing to file corporate tax returns. The accounting fees for this type of engagement tend to be lower than the two choices below. Banks may accept this type of engagement but often look to the reputation of the client and designation of the accounting firm used.
Review engagement - Using Canadian generally accepted review standards, a review consists primarily of inquiry, analytical procedures and discussions related to the information management provides.
This is a limited assurance engagement and normally consists of a balance sheet, income statement, statement of cash flows and accompanying notes which give additional information to the users. This type of engagement is typically required for significant bank loans or non-active shareholders.
Audit engagement - Using Canadian generally accepted audit standards, an audit consists of significant work in gathering evidence to support the financial statements.
These financial statements provide the highest level of assurance. Our firm is solely focused on providing audit services to Not-for-profit and charity organizations as we recognize the value and support this can be to our community.

We Can Advise and Provide Solutions to You On:
Financial statements
Corporate tax returns
Bookkeeping services
Compliance with:
Business number registration
T4 - Summary of Remuneration paid
T5 - Return of Investment income (dividends)
T5018 - Summary of contract payments (construction)
GST filings
Financial forecasts and projections
Corporate succession planning
Corporate restructuring
Service at a value you can trust.
Call us to talk to one of our helpful advisors today!